6 Ways to Minimize Leakage — NOW
While the only true way to treat SUI is by strengthening your pelvic floor, there are a few ways to minimize your risk of leaking as you embark on a...
While the only true way to treat SUI is by strengthening your pelvic floor, there are a few ways to minimize your risk of leaking as you embark on a...
And no, you’re not alone. Incontinence affects 1 in 3 women.
We explore why women should work these muscles before getting pregnant.
Make the most of your time with these simple tips to vibe higher and manifest your dream life.
Seasonal allergies can exacerbate the symptoms of a weak bladder. We explore the causes and the treatments of a weak bladder.
Pads and liners simply mask your bladder leaks. They are not the fix women deserve.
In this series, Dr. Ruth takes on common questions and issues surrounding SUI.
A third of women are dealing with incontinence and many are suffering in silence. Instead of living with pain and discomfort, you should take back control of your body, treat...
If you think incontinence is only for postpartum moms or menopausal women, think again! In fact, between 10 to 50 percent of nulliparous women (Nulli-what? That’s the medical term for women who...
While pads are an easy way to mask whatever’s going on inside your body, they’re far from a permanent fix. In fact, they’re literally a Band-Aid. On the other hand,...
Following childbirth, many women experience perineal pain, achy breasts, and constipation - and that’s just the “normal” stuff. Then, there’s stress urinary incontinence, an incredibly common condition that affects up...
Knowing how to strengthen pelvic floor muscles can help you to control bladder leaks and improve your sex life. So how do you do it? Read more.
When you’re dealing with incontinence, pee happens - and not always where you want it to.
In our new series, Dr. Ruth Maher, our pelvic health expert, takes on common questions and issues surrounding SUI.
The year was 2020.It was a Wednesday, in March. The pandemic was but a whisper on the news, but enough to already have caused a minor panic across the country......
We hear the word “incontinence” thrown around a lot, but what is urinary incontinence and how do you know if you’re experiencing it? Let’s break it down. Urinary incontinence is...
While most of us have heard time and time again about the importance of pelvic floor exercises for building pelvic floor strength (and bladder control).
Let’s pee honest™. Women leak. Of course, you never thought it would happen to you. But the truth is 1 in 3 women experience incontinence or bladder leaks. Stress urinary...
How do you do Kegel exercises properly so you can help to control bladder leaks? How often should you do them? Find out in our guide.
Best Female Urinary Incontinence Device Ruth Maher, PT, PhD, DPT speaks with the cast of The View about incontinence, a condition that affects 1 in 3 women in the United...