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Who Should and Should Not Use INNOVO for Pelvic Floor Strength?

Who Should and Should Not Use INNOVO for Pelvic Floor Strength?

So, you've taken the important step of considering the INNOVO Urinary Incontinence Kit for your pelvic floor health, or perhaps you've already purchased it. This decision is commendable, as addressing pelvic floor weakness is a significant stride towards better health. However, it's essential to recognize that INNOVO is not suitable for everyone.

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide you with a clear understanding of who should and who should not use INNOVO. Making an informed decision about this kit can be a game-changer in your pelvic health journey.

Recognizing Who Should Avoid INNOVO

Safety is paramount when considering the use of the INNOVO kit to address bladder leaks. Just like wearing a seatbelt before driving, it's crucial to ensure that INNOVO is safe for your specific circumstances.

INNOVO is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some individuals should avoid using it altogether due to specific health conditions. Here are some situations in which INNOVO may not be suitable:

  • Heart Conditions: If you have a heart condition or a history of heart problems, it's advisable to steer clear of INNOVO. The electrical stimulation used in INNOVO may not be safe for individuals with heart issues.
  • Implanted Devices: Individuals with implanted devices such as pacemakers should avoid using INNOVO. The electrical stimulation may interfere with the proper functioning of these devices.
  • Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, congratulations! However, it's best to postpone using INNOVO until after delivery. Pregnancy is a unique phase, and it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new therapy.
  • Metal Implants: If you have any metal implants in your abdominal or pelvic area, including intrauterine system (IUS) devices, it's advisable not to use INNOVO. The electrical stimulation may not be suitable in the presence of metal implants.
  • Epilepsy or Cognitive Dysfunction: Patients with epilepsy or those under medical supervision for cognitive dysfunction should not use INNOVO without consulting their healthcare provider.
  • Postpartum: If you have recently given birth, it's recommended to wait at least six months before starting INNOVO. It's essential to allow your body to recover fully before engaging in pelvic floor strengthening exercises.

Eligibility Criteria for Prospective INNOVO Users

While there are situations where using INNOVO is not advisable, many individuals can benefit significantly from its use. To determine whether INNOVO is right for you, consider the following eligibility criteria:

  • Postpartum Women: If you are a postpartum woman who has given birth, it's advisable to wait at least six months after childbirth before considering INNOVO. If bladder control issues persist, INNOVO may be a suitable solution.
  • Athletes and Active Individuals: Active individuals, including athletes, who experience bladder leaks during physical activities can find relief with INNOVO. The 180 precision Kegels per session provided by INNOVO can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
  • Stress Incontinence Sufferers: If you experience stress incontinence, INNOVO may be an effective solution. It targets the root cause of stress incontinence—pelvic floor weakness—through its innovative Multipath technology.
  • Individuals Seeking Non-Invasive Treatment: INNOVO offers a non-invasive electrical stimulation therapy as an alternative to traditional Kegel exercises. It's an ideal choice for those looking for a more convenient and consistent approach to pelvic floor strengthening.

Comparing Pelvic Floor Strengthening Methods

There are several approaches to strengthening the pelvic floor, and it's essential to choose the one that aligns best with your needs. INNOVO distinguishes itself through its non-invasive electrical stimulation, offering an alternative to traditional Kegel exercises.

How Does INNOVO Stack Up Against Kegels?

The comparison between traditional Kegel exercises and INNOVO reveals some key differences:

  • Technique and Discipline: Kegel exercises rely on self-discipline and proper technique, where individuals must consciously contract their pelvic floor muscles. INNOVO, on the other hand, utilizes Multipath technology to automatically target and stimulate the entire pelvic floor, ensuring precision without the need for conscious effort.
  • Consistency: Traditional Kegel exercises may be inconsistently performed, leading to varied results. INNOVO offers a consistent and standardized approach with 180 precise Kegels per session.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Your INNOVO Kit

If you've acquired the INNOVO kit to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and regain control over bladder leaks, here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Prepare Your Equipment: Begin by ensuring that everything is ready. Plug in the power supply and connect it to the Multipath shorts, specifically designed to deliver 180 precise Kegels per session. Always keep electronic components dry and away from water.
  • Skin Preparation: Before starting a treatment session, prepare your skin with the provided spray. This step is crucial to prevent skin irritation during the electrical stimulation.
  • Wear Multipath Shorts: Once your skin is prepared, put on the Multipath shorts. These snug-fitting shorts are designed to target all muscle groups in the pelvic area effectively.
  • Consult the User Manual: Familiarize yourself with the user manual provided with the kit. It contains essential safety information that is crucial for your well-being. If you have heart disease or rhythm disturbances, consult a healthcare professional before using INNOVO.

Timeline Expectations When Starting with INNOVO

It's important to manage your expectations when beginning your journey with INNOVO. While immediate results are desirable, your body may require some time to respond to the therapy. Here's a general timeline to consider:

  • Initial Improvements: Many users start noticing improvements after consistently using INNOVO for about four weeks. During this time, your pelvic floor muscles are gradually getting stronger.
  • Optimal Results: For the best results, continue using INNOVO consistently, ideally five sessions per week. By three months of regular use, expect to see significant improvements in pelvic floor strength and bladder control.
  • Maintenance: To maintain the gains you've achieved, it's recommended to continue with one or two INNOVO sessions per week. Consistency is key in preventing bladder leaks from recurring.

People Who May Benefit from Using INNOVO

Several individuals can benefit from using INNOVO to address pelvic floor weakness and bladder leaks. Consider the following groups who may find INNOVO particularly advantageous:

  • Those with Bladder Leaks: Individuals who experience bladder leaks during activities or daily routines can find relief with INNOVO. It effectively targets and strengthens pelvic floor muscles, addressing the root cause of stress incontinence.
  • Athletes and Active Individuals: Athletes and physically active individuals who want to eliminate bladder leaks during workouts or other activities can benefit from INNOVO's non-invasive approach.
  • Post-Prostate Surgery Patients: Men recovering from prostate surgery may experience urinary issues. INNOVO can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles without the need for invasive procedures or medication.
  • Women Post-Childbirth: Postpartum women who continue to experience bladder control problems can consider INNOVO after waiting for at least six months following childbirth.

Navigating Through Potential Risks and Side Effects

While INNOVO is generally safe and non-invasive, it's essential to be aware of potential risks and side effects:

  • Skin Irritation: Some users may experience mild skin irritation where the Multipath shorts come into contact with the skin. It's crucial to follow the recommended skin preparation steps and ensure that the shorts fit comfortably.
  • Electrical Components: Keep all electrical components, including the power supply, away from water to avoid any electrical hazards during treatment sessions.


In conclusion, understanding who should and should not use INNOVO is vital in making an informed decision regarding your pelvic floor health. While INNOVO offers significant benefits for many individuals, it's not a universal solution.

Take into account the comparison between traditional Kegel exercises and INNOVO, considering your preferences and needs. Remember that consistency and patience are key when embarking on your journey towards a stronger pelvic floor.

If you've carefully assessed your eligibility, considered potential risks, and consulted with healthcare professionals when necessary, you're on the right path to improving your pelvic health with INNOVO.

Get your INNOVO Urinary Incontinence Kit here, and take a proactive step towards achieving bladder control and a stronger pelvic floor. Subscribe to the INNOVO newsletter to receive a $20 discount code for your purchase.